British Values

Thurrock Adult Community College (TACC) promotes British values to all our learners as part of their learning experience.

As part of our safeguarding and Prevent duty commitments, alongside the Equality Act 2010 all staff and volunteers have a duty to demonstrate and help develop values which underpin an awareness of social and moral responsibility in modern Britain. Our staff are encouraged and supported to use every opportunity to promote and reinforce shared British values along with creating respectful space for open debate.

British values, defined by the Government in their 2011 Prevent Strategy are:

  • Democracy;
  • The Rule of Law;
  • Individual Liberty;
  • Mutual Respect;
  • Freedom of Speech;
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

This includes complying with the Equality Act 2010 by not discriminating against the following nine characteristics:

  • age;
  • disability;
  • gender reassignment;
  • marriage and civil partnership;
  • pregnancy and maternity;
  • race;
  • religion or belief;
  • sex;
  • sexual orientation.

As a member of the college you have rights but with these also come responsibilities to make sure everybody is able to study or work safely, as outlined in the enrolment form, on the learner code of conduct in your Google classroom, plus the new digital learner guide. At the start of your course, you will contribute to the setting and keeping of collaborative ground rules agreed by individual class members, underpinned by the above values.

TACC will not tolerate abusive behaviour towards any member of staff, volunteer, student or visitor. More information about feeling safe and Safeguarding can be found in the useful links panel.


Your opinion counts at TACC! The college promote the importance of democracy through

  • Providing feedback during and at the end of your course
  • Learner focus group with Governors
  • The learner voice influences key college decisions
  • Encouraging learners to register to vote and take part in local and national elections

The Rule of Law

Rules Matter. You are responsible for your own actions. TACC promote the importance of the rule of law through

  • Shared College Code of Conduct
  • Clear policies and boundaries that are explained to learners

Individual Liberty

You have the right to choose!

  • Learners choose their course
  • Learners agree their targets on individual learning plans
  • You are supported to become a more independent learner
  • Open debate encouraged to agree classroom rules

Freedom of Speech

Your opinions and ideas matter. TACC promotes the importance of Freedom of Speech through:

  • Compliments, comments and complaints form
  • Opportunities through the course to comment on the college service
  • Individual Learning Plans give further opportunity for learner voice to be heard
  • Encouraging learners to take part in college meetings (learner forums and invited to whole college Health & Safety meeting)

Tolerance and mutual respect

Treat others as you want to be treated! TACC promotes the importance of tolerance and mutual respect through:

  • Shared College Code of Conduct
  • Accessible college calendar listing events and activities that celebrate the rich diversity of our learners
  • Following agreed classroom ground rules
  • Encouraging participation in community and college events including as volunteers
  • Wrap-around support for learners to provide equal opportunities for all

Map of UK

Useful links
