Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
We all have the right to be, and feel safe, from all forms of abuse. Your safety and wellbeing are important to us
Thurrock Adult Community College has a moral and statutory duty to ensure that it promotes safeguarding and the welfare of its learners, staff, volunteers and visitors. This includes the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism.
If you are suffering from bullying, violence or abuse of any kind or have concerns about someone, don’t keep quiet. If you see a person in distress or they tell you something that means they may be at risk, always report it. Don’t try to resolve it and never promise confidentiality – tell them you will have to pass it on.
To support this aim, we have a team of designated Safeguarding Officers. If you see anything that concerns you, report it and ask to speak to one of our Safeguarding Officers as a matter of urgency.
Jaki Bradley
College Principal
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Alex Day
Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead
Matthew Uphill
Business Services Manager
Safeguarding Officer
We will always treat any information you share with us as confidential. However, if you tell us that you, or someone else, is being abuse or is in danger, we have a duty of care to report and must take appropriate action.
Report to the TACC Team:
Call 01375 366570